Tilo Schindele
Individual employment law / employment contract law / dismissals
Collective labor law / co-determination law
IT in employment law / outsourcing / AI
Temporary employment
Occupational health and safety
IT / Data protection / Digital transformation / Industry 4.0 / Artificial intelligence
IT outsourcing projects / cloud computing
Software development / SaaS
Contract & claim management
Export control / national / EU / USA
1989 Started studying law at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
1990 Transfer to the Rheinische Friedrichs-Wilhelms-University Bonn
1993 1st state examination (OLG Düsseldorf)
1996 2nd state examination (OLG Koblenz)
since 1997 lawyer
until 30.11.2022 - work as in-house lawyer for a major German IT company
Lecturer at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart (DHBW): employment law, commercial and corporate law and international contract law
Lecturer at adult education institutions in employment law
Lecturer at the W.A.F.