Digital Identity with the IDunion SCE 2. IT- und Datenschutz-Compliance Event von Sustainable Industry 4.0 and IoT Community
Hybrid-Meeting und online in Stuttgart-Vaihingen am 20.06.2023
Digital Identity with the IDunion SCE 2. IT- und Datenschutz-Compliance Event von Sustainable Industry 4.0 and IoT Community
HYBRID Event der Sustainable Industry 4.0 and IoT Community im Red Hat Office in Stuttgart am 20.06.2023 um 18:00 Uhr:
- Intro and round of introduction
- 1. Revolutionizing Digital Identity with the IDunion SCE: A Secure and Compliant Decentralized Infrastructure for Industry 4.0, Dr. Carsten Stöcker
- 2. IT- und Datenschutz-Compliance im Wandel – Praxisauswirkungen der neuen Regularien und Rechtsprechung für Unternehmen, Dr. Thomas A. Degen
- Events to come (Norbert Krain)
- Socializing
Presentation 1: Revolutionizing Digital Identity with the IDunion SCE: A Secure and Compliant Decentralized Infrastructure for Industry 4.0
Short description: In today's fast-paced digital world, securing and verifying identity data has become a paramount concern for businesses across various sectors. The IDunion industry ecosystem project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, aims to address this challenge by creating an innovative, secure infrastructure based on a decentralized ledger technology. With a diverse consortium of private companies, associations, government institutions, and educational bodies, the project is actively developing and testing a range of use cases to demonstrate the potential of this technology.
The establishment of IDunion SCE, a European cooperative with limited liability, marks a significant milestone in the project's journey, enabling the operation of a technical DLT network focused on compliance use cases. This network has already attracted early adopters such as Catena-X, which utilizes the network as a Verifiable Data Registry (VDR) for identity and federation services.
During our presentation, we will explore the numerous benefits of IDunion SCE's collaboration with projects like Gaia-X, Catena-X, Manufacturing-X, and IDTA. By leveraging Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and verifiable credentials, IDunion SCE offers a secure and efficient infrastructure for verifying product authenticity and enabling seamless on-boarding of business partners. As a result, industry projects can concentrate on their core use cases without worrying about the underlying infrastructure and its compliance with security standards. At Spherity we are using the IDunion SCE network for establishing enterprise identity. Together with our partner Bundesanzeiger Verlag, we issue enterprise annual report and identity credentials as well as LEI credentials. Finally, I give practical examples on how enterprises establish their digital identity and provide an outlook on the IDunion development roadmap.
Join us to discover how IDunion SCE is revolutionizing the identity for Industry 4.0.
Speaker: Dr. Carsten Stöcker, CEO Spherity, Chairman of the Supervisory Board IDunion SCE
Presentation 2: IT- und Datenschutz-Compliance im Wandel – Praxisauswirkungen der neuen Regularien und Rechtsprechung für Unternehmen
Short description:
- Bedeutung des Datenschutzes und wesentliche Regelungen der DSGVO
- Herausforderungen, Bedrohungen (z.B. zunehmende Zahl von Schwachstellen und Angriffen, Cyberattacken, komplexere und stärker vernetzte Infrastruktur, Mitarbeiter etc.)
- Beispiele für IT- und Datenschutz-Compliance und neue Rechtsprechung
- Datenschutz-Trends: Neue Weltordnung, neue Technologien (z.B. Ai, Chatbot ChatGPT sowie M-, S-Commerce); neue Regulierungen, Aktionspläne, „Digital Strategy“, Digitaler Kompass:Evaluation DSGVO; Cybersecurity Act, Digital Governance Act (DGA: Rechtsrahmen, um die Verfügbarkeit von Daten zu fördern und ein vertrauenswürdiges Umfeld zur Nutzung von Daten für Forschung und für die Schaffung innovativer neuer Dienste und Produkte zu errichten; weitere immense neue Regulierungen), Digital Services Act (DSA), Digital Markets Act (DMA), Data Act (DA), Whistleblower-Richtlinie, Geplant: KI-Verordnung, Gesetz über künstliche Intelligenz (KIG-E)
Speaker: Dr. Thomas A. Degen, Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Informationstechnologierecht (IT-Recht), Zertifizierter Datenschutzbeauftragter TÜV Süd (DSB-TÜV), Lehrbeauftragter an der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart (DHBW), Partern der Jordan & Wagner Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Co-Founder & Compliance-Beauftragter ValueAbler GmbH.